• Deductible options include full, straight and disappearing deductibles.
  • Losses equal to or exceeding 85 will be paid at 100 less the deductible in effect.
  • All similar crops on the same quarter must be insured at the same indemnity per acre and the same deductible.

We offer several hail insurance options which can be used individually or combined to best suit your coverage needs. Deductible factors may not always apply as stated or be written based on the basic township rate in effect. Choose from the options below or contact one of our knowledgeable agents to help you select what’s best suited to your needs.

Deductible Option Chargeable Premium (% of full cover rate) Losses Payable When Loss = Settlement Examples
Full Coverage 100% Adjusted loss is 5% or over Loss over 85% = 100% pay
10% Straight Deductible 70% Adjusted less the deductible of 10% 14% loss = 4%
Loss over 85% = 90% pay
25% Straight Deductible 50% Adjusted less the deductible of 25% 45% loss = 20%
Loss over 85% = 75% pay
10% Disappearing Deductible 90% See Chart Below See Chart Below
20% Disappearing Deductible 75% See Chart Below See Chart Below


10 Disappearing Deductible 20 Disappearing Deductible
AL %* DED.* PL %* AL % DED.* PL %*
5 10 0 10 20 0
10 10 0 20 20 0
15 10 5 40 20 20
20 10 10 41 19 22
21 9 12 42 18 24
22 8 14 43 17 26
23 7 16 44 16 28
24 6 18 45 15 30
25 5 20 46 14 32
26 4 22 47 13 34
27 3 24 48 12 36
28 2 26 49 11 38
29 1 28 50 10 40
30 0 30 51 9 42
60 0 60 52 8 44
85 0 100 53 7 46
54 6 48
55 5 50
56 4 52
57 3 54
58 2 56
59 1 58
60 0 60
70 0 70
85 0 100

*AL % = Adjusted Loss % *DED. = Deductible *PL % = Payable Loss %